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Quito Fun

Friday morning, I headed back to CarpeDM tours, put a giant bundle of cash on the desk, and booked my trip to the Galapagos.  Sure, it cost the same as a month of travel in Central America, but how often am I going to be in Ecuador? The trip goes from Monday the...

It was bound to happen sometime…

My iPhone: Gone. Ultimately, I don’t care about the gadget. That can be replaced. What bothers me is that now, some lucky Ecuadorean has access to a lot of the details of my life.  I’ve just spent the last few hours changing passwords, suspending...

Quito – Day 79

I woke up later than the rest of the Plaza family, but was still treated to a wonderful family breakfast courtesy of their lovely housekeeper Mercedes. After a bit of food, I got in touch with David who insisted on escorting me down to the Old City, where I had vague...

Quito – Day 78

We arrived in Ipiales without a hitch. In fact, it was probably the best bus sleep I’ve ever had (which I guess is kind of like saying it was the most comfortable kick in the head I’ve ever gotten). From Ipiales, we got on a collectivo which took us to the...

Night bus to Ipiales – Day 77

Today was a quiet day, mostly spent in the hostel. We briefly thought about doing something, but everyone was feeling a bit tired and lazy. Sunday night at Pelican Larry’s is BBQ night. For $5, we were treated to some delicious chicken, steak, sausage and plenty...